01233 612082 info@greenmansolar.com
Piper Cams are the leading supplier of performance camshafts and exhausts to professional racing teams, as well as keen car enthusiasts; with energy costs rising they were keen to reduce their costs and manufacture by using green energy. Greenman Solar, a Kent-based business were selected to design, install and commission the solar array across 2 of the main production units. The array of nearly 500 solar PV panels, will reduce the energy bills, with any excess energy being returned to the grid and providing additional revenue.

“We’re really pleased with the solar installation, knowing that the manufacture of our cams and exhausts are now offset by using green energy is great news, not only for the environment but also for the business – with such an energy-intensive business, every little helps! The team at Greenman Solar were great to deal with, straightforward, honest and always at hand, whenever we had a question – I would definitely recommend them for any size solar PV array installation.” – John Crabb, Director

If you’re interested to find out how your business can reduce energy costs and reduce your carbon footprint, contact Greenman Solar