01233 612082 info@greenmansolar.com
How to isolate your solar array and inverter

How to isolate your solar array and inverter

Isolating your Solar Array Your system will need to be isolated if you’re having any electrical work, if the panels are being cleaned or if you have any concerns about the operation of the system – follow the steps below: STEP 1: Go to the Consumer Board and turn the...
Maintaining your solar panels system

Maintaining your solar panels system

Solar PV Panel systems are typically low maintenance, but a few simple things can make sure your array continues to generate energy, save money, and reduce carbon. Keep solar panels clear of any plant growth or other obstacles, as shading will impact the energy...
How do solar panels work?

How do solar panels work?

There’s a quite a bit of science behind how solar panels help create energy for your home or business, but we’ve tried to keep it simple in this blog – but knowing how they work, may help you get the best out of your array! Solar Photovoltaic (PV) panels are made from...
What is the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) and how do I apply?

What is the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) and how do I apply?

The Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) is a Government scheme which allows customers to earn from sending excess solar (wind, hydro etc. are also included) energy back to the grid. You will need a smart-meter or meter that allows the measurement of energy being sent back to...